[Web Creator] [LMSOFT]
About me

* 1981 – Singer in the salsa-jazz music group Z-66, Mallorca

* 1982 – Dancer he music-hall theatre BELLE EPOQUE of Barcelona.

* 1983 – EL SACO, solo of voice and movement.
   Premiere: 1st Marató de l’Espectacle de Barcelona.
   This performance was the start of her way into experimenting and
 arranging her artistic language.

* 1984 – Actress and singer in the show LA BOQUETA AMPLIFICADA of the contemporary composer Carles Santos at the Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona.

* 1985 – Dancer in the choreography EXCUSES of Marga Guergué, winner of prize Oscar López.

* 1985-87 – Singer, actress and dancer in the shows LABERINT and CLACABARET the theatre-company La Claca. Premieres in Paris and in the Carpa Itinerante (travelling show) of the company in the Port of Barcelona.

* 1987 – Composer of the music and producer its recording for the ESCENA DEL TENIENTE CORONEL DE LAGUARDIA CIVIL, directed by Joan Baixas for the great show 5 LORCAS 5, directed by Lluis Pascal in the Teatro Maria Guerrero, Madrid.

* 1988 – Improvisations for voice and percussion with the dance-company MAL PELO.

*1989 – Composition and perfromance of the music for the staging VIAJE POR LOS CUATRO ELEMENTOS during de Fiestas de Mayo of the Comunidad de Madrid.

* 1989 – Soprano and actress in the CUARTETO DA CINQUE.

* 1990 – Choreography, songs and percussions for the Celebration of the NAIDOC in Marree, Southern State of Australia, organised by the ARABANNA PEOPLES COMMITEE and NEPABANA PEOPLES COMMITTEE. An unforgettable experience in cultural exchange with children and youngsters of the aborigine community during four months.

* 1990-91 – Creation and performance of the show DAMPA in the Festival de Tardor (autumn festival) of Barcelona. A show in honour of the Australian desert.

* 1991 – Soprano of the vocal jazz-quartet BAOBAB.

* 1991 – Composition for voice and percussion and performance for the show ARBRE TREMOLANT, directed by Joan Baixas. Premiere in the Teatro de Juventut de Hospitalet.

* 1992 – Recording of coposition for voice from Joan Albert Amargós for the Paraolympics in Barcelona.

*1993 – Composition of the music and performing with Mariona Segarra in the HOMENATGE A  J.V. FOIX (tribute to A.J. Foix) by Frederic Amat in the Festa del FAD with Joan Baixas.

* 1993 – Composition for voice and choreography for the show EN FOC LA MAR, with painting, singing and dance, directed by Joan Baixas at the Festival de Sitges.

* 1995 – Solos for voice in the recording of the fashion designer Antonio Miró

Baixas para el DIA DE LA TERRA a Barcelona

*1996 – Composition of the music for the para-theatrical event MAPAMUNDI by Joan Baixas for the DIA DE LA TERRA (day of the earth) in Barcelona.

* 1997 – Composition and performance of the music of the show TERRA PRENYADA (pregnant earth) by Joan Baixas and Paca Rodrigo. Premiered in Tárrega and toured all over the world: The Guggenheim Museum New York, Centre Pompidou in Paris, Teatre Lliure in Barcelona. Madrid, London, Brasil, Italy, Germany, Israel .......

* 1998 – Singer in the show EL PASEO DE BUSTER KEATON directed by its composer Jordi Sabatés and Joan Baixas in the Teatre Abadia, Madrid.

* 1999 – Release of the CD with the music from TERRA PRENYADA (pregnant earth).

* 2000 – Composition, performance and recording of the part BOIRA for the show QUATRE ESTACIONS of Joan Baixas. Premiere at the Teatre Liure, Barcelona.

*2000 – Participating as vocalist in the composition OCEANS IN A BOX by Krystyna Bobrowski for six a capella voices in the theatre Metrónom, Barcelona.

* 2003 – Composition of the music for and performance in MAPAMUN.DOS. Collective performance, directed by Joan Baixas, in the CCCB (Centre for Comtemporary Culture of Barcelona).

* 2005 – Founding and opening of the Centre Artistic de la Veu in Sant Celoni, a studio for creation, projects and teaching with, around and about the voice.

* 2008 – 1st FESTIVAL DE LES VEUS (festival of voices) of Sant Celoni.

* 2009 – 2nd FESTIVAL DE LES VEUS of Sant Celoni.

* 2010 – Premiere of the show CASADELLOPS in the Auditori de la Mercé of Girona during the festival TEMPORADA ALTA 2010.

* 2011 – 3rd FESTIVAL DE LES VEUS of Sant Celoni.

* 2012 – Presently combining her artistic work of creation and staging with teaching.

Paca Rodrigo